Friday, February 20, 2009

Yes, it will take a revolution.

We need a complete cleansing of American-style capitalism. And I'm not sure we'll get it until the economy gets worse. Until there's an even wider gap between the rich and the poor. I just get the uneasy feeling that all this bailout stuff in the end will put far too much money into the pockets of the greedy rich. They'll find a way to snatch it. Right out from under the people who really need it. In America, the rich always find ways to get richer. Even in the toughest of times. Yes, they know how to milk the system. To reap the benefits. That's why they are rich in the first place. They play government like a fiddle. They buy influence. Access. They control Washington. Congress. The Senate. Oh, a few Democrats and independents put up token resistance. And virtually no Republicans. They're all in collusion with the lobbyists and the vested interests. We common folks get the crumbs. The scraps. The leftovers. Little wonder that the poor get poorer and the rich get richer. That won't change until there's big, big changes. A whole new kind of political and economic system. Yes, a government truly run by the people. Not by the rich and the corporate interests. Yes, it will take a revolution. The rich won't surrender power without a fight. They'll have to be overthrown. In a national uprising. We common folks will have to take to the streets. We'll have to take control of our government. So that the American government truly serves the common good. --Jim Broede

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