Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I find it entertaining...and more.

I'm not afraid to take stands. On all sorts of issues. Some of 'em very controversial. I declare my positions. And I dare to be wrong. Fact of the matter is that often inside me I see no clear-cut right or wrong. I see grey. Instead of black and white. But that doesn't stop me from siding on the side of black and white. At least for the moment. For the time-being. Because I still try to keep an open mind. I can be swayed. I can admit that I'm wrong. Some people get mad at me. Downright angry. Because they don't like my declarations. They think I'm wrong. Or even insensitive for stating what I believe. But here's the way I look at it. They can ignore what I have to say. I'm not requiring anyone to think like I think. They can do as they please. Oh, maybe I'm obnoxious at times. Maybe even insulting. Sarcastic. Taunting. Maybe I prolong an argument for far too long. But that's all it is. An argument. A difference of opinion. One can take it or leave it. People get sarcastic and taunting with me, too. But I don't lose any sleep over it. I accept it. And often, I ignore it. Or I decide to exchange barbs. If nothing else, I find it entertaining. And educational. Enlightening. --Jim Broede

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