Saturday, March 28, 2009

Interpreting reality.

I think one can make one's own reality. In other words, reality is somewhat flexible. Much of it is determined by attitude. When my Jeanne had Alzheimer's, I initially chose to take the 'attitude' that -- well, maybe it's just a lazy brain. Maybe I fooled myself. And created a pretend reality, of sorts. Anyway, a diagnosis of Alzheimer's is only an educated guess. Oh, I knew it most likely was Alzheimer's. But I also knew there have been cases of misdiagnosis. The real comfirmation comes at an autopsy. After death, of course. So anyway, I'm an upbeat, optimistic being. I like to be happy. So often when something bad happens in my life, I can find good springing from it. Some people think that's weird. That I'm not being realistic. For instance, I can see good stemming from the early deaths of my maternal grandparents. That prompted my mother to find security by getting married at age 18 to a man she really didn't love. It was a marriage of convenience, and it didn't last. But because of it, I was born. I came into this world. Now, if my maternal grandparents had lived longer, my mother most likely would never have married my father. And I wouldn't be. Then I would have had no reality. Meanwhile, I'm interpreting my reality as a happy reality. In part, because of the misfortune of others. Yes, good coming from something bad. But I could just as easily choose to make my reality unhappy. By looking at it from a pessimistic perspective. And maybe go into depression. With a mere shift in the way I choose to interpret events in my life. --Jim Broede

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