Friday, April 17, 2009

Keen awareness.

I like people who tend to like themselves. People who feel comfortable in their own skins. That seems to make them generally happy people. They are congenial. And rarely do they lapse into depression. Oh, they may have down days, down times. But they always bounce back. Could be because they find solace and comfort within themselves. I find that significant numbers of people in depression really don’t like themselves. I concede that may be due, in part, to a chemical imbalance. A physical thing that affects their mood. And maybe sometimes the imbalance is self-inflicted. By a drug. Such as alcohol. Also, life circumstances can play a role. Events. Fate. A ravaging disease. Or an unhappy love affair. Or the utter lack of love. Desperate loneliness. Anyway, I know people who have all kinds of things going wrong in their lives. But they still avoid depression. And the key always seems to be that they like themselves. They are able to fall back upon themselves. To dig deep within. And feel blessed. Maybe by the grace of the creator. It’s as if they are in love. Not only with themselves. But with life, period. The self-love, I suppose, could be construed as egocentric. But I call it confidence. The love of existence. The love of consciousness. Keen awareness. –Jim Broede

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