Monday, April 20, 2009

Let's give relief to care-givers.

I'd like to see caregiver relief societies formed across the world. Vounteers who would relieve exhausted care-givers. Many of 'em 24/7 care-givers who seldom get respite. They go and go and go. Some break down. And die before their patients. Really, turns out that many care-givers need care-giving themselves. And many of 'em feel trapped. No place to go. Some are the equivalent of saints. But others can't help themselves. And they may very well do harm to their patients. To their loved ones. Because they are stressed. Tired. Depressed. Often, all they need is a few hours of relief. A day or two off. Indeed, it's a serious problem. One that I think goes largely unrecognized. Unless one has lived through it. I know many Alzheimer care-givers. I was one. For 13 years. Many people shun Alzheimer patients. They'll visit friends with physical ailments. But Alzheimer's and mental disorders make so many of us uncomfortable. We consciously try to stay away. It's so upsetting. But if anyone needs tender loving care and understanding, it's an Alzheimer patient. Same goes for the care-givers. Especially the ones that hardly ever get relief. --Jim Broede

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