Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The making of a sore loser.

Outside of Minnesota, many of you may not have heard of Norm Coleman. Well, he's a former U.S. senator from our state. And now he's becoming a sore and bitter loser. Because he appears to have lost his senate seat to, of all people, a comedian and satirist. Yes, Al Franken, who's also a Democrat and a liberal. An annoying kind of liberal to the likes of Coleman. Coleman is acting just like a Republican. An obstructionist. It gnaws at Coleman's gut that he's lost the election by about 300 votes, out of almost 3 million cast on election day last November. A statewide recount and scrutiny by a three-judge panel (which includes two Republicans) has upheld Franken's narrow lead. And it certainly looks like Franken will be declared the winner. And be seated. Some day. But if Coleman has his druthers, he'll delay the inevitable as long as he can. With appeals. To the Minnesota Supreme Court. And even to the U.S. Supreme Court. Meanwhile, Minnesota is operating with only one instead of the customary two senators. And here we are, five months and counting after the election. And that could be the case maybe until this summer. Unless Coleman decides to become a gracious loser. I'm not holding my breath for that. Actually, it wouldn't surprise me if Coleman continues his appeal all the way to the World Court, and maybe even to god almighty himself. Even if that means Minnesota may have to operate with one senator forever. --Jim Broede

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