Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Now we need the fix. Socialism.

I know that American conservatives bemoan the thought that America may be saved by socialism. It's difficult for them to admit that American-style capitalism isn't good enough. Mostly because of the greed factor. Too many capitalists can't help themselves. They need to exploit. For their own personal gain. Rather than for the benefit of society as a whole. For the common good. It's thought that what's good for the individual, is good for society. And that ain't so. Because capitalism tends to create an ever-widening division between the haves and the have-nots. Between the rich and the poor. Some Americans are finally waking up to the fact that we need a blend of the best of socialism and the best of capitalism. We need a well-regulated economy. We need to provide every American with the basic necessities of life. And you do that primarily with socialist programs. The selfish capitalist has long wailed against socialism. Because it puts too many limitations on capitalists. Too many regulations. But when we have lax regulations and lax enforcement -- well, we get what we have today. A distastrous economy. Now we need the fix. Socialism. --Jim Broede

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