Tuesday, April 21, 2009

...treating our enemy humanely.

Dick Cheney. Jerk. Defender of torture. Yes, Cheney defended torture today because it got 'enemy combatants' to talk. To give up valuable information. Well, Cheney and I part company. There's no justifiable reason to use torture. Even on your worst enemy. I want torture to be un-American. But Cheney says it's all right to torture people in the name of protecting America. In doing what's best for America. Seems to me that's playing into the hands of terrorists. Adopting their tactics. And in the process, we become despicable. We become just as nasty as the terrorist. We should be setting the proper example. By even treating our worst enemy humanely. --Jim Broede

1 comment:

Maebee said...

We are hardly on the same level as "the terrorists".

What do you say we SHOULD do? How do we get information on terrorist activities? Do we just wait for another bomb?