Saturday, May 16, 2009

I like people that I dislike.

I like people. Even people I dislike. Fact of the matter is that I like to probe and discover why I dislike someone. And when I do that, I often find reason to like those I dislike. I find they have attributes. That they aren't totally dislikeable. At the same time, I discover that I've been closed-minded. And recognition of that fact makes it possible for me to open my mind. At least a little bit. And that's enough to make the opening wider and wider. Really, some of my best friends are people that I initially disliked. I remember an editor I disliked. But bit by bit by bit, I learned to like him. In large part because he was quite different. Different from me. And that's what I liked most about him. He helped me see another side. That's why I don't like to be turned off by people I dislike. They often turn out to be the best teachers. And friends. --Jim Broede

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