Friday, May 29, 2009

A threat to the white ruling class.

If Sonia Sotomayor brings a leftist agenda to the U.S. Supreme Court, so what? Conservatives are complaining about that. As if a leftist doesn't have a right to be on the court. Well, there are at least four ultra conservatives on the court now. So, let's have a little more balance. Sotomayor isn't all that far to the left anyway. Maybe more toward the middle. But to the extreme right wing of the Republican Party, even the middle seems like the far left. It also galls conservatives that Sotomayor once said that a Latina woman might make her judgments more sound than those of a white man. Conservatives say that sounds racist. Give me a break. We've had a white male power structure in America for a long, long time. With rampant racial and gender discrimination against the likes of Sotomayor. By the white male majority. Still do, in many ways. Sotomayor poses a threat to the white male ruling class. I love it. --Jim Broede

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