Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Telling capitalists to go to hell.

I like it. I like it. I like it. More and more federal government regulation on meaningful aspects of our lives. For instance, the Obama Administration will require the automobile industry to manufacture more fuel-efficient vehicles. Yes, it takes government regulation to get that done. Private entrepeneurs won't do it on their own. So government has to step in to achieve the common good. American-style capitalism has to be required to benefit society. Because under traditional capitalism, greed and selfishness prevail. Something similar will happen in the credit card industry. Because banks and lenders want to screw the consumer. In order to pad their own pockets. Rather than to benefit society. So, we're going to see more stringent regulations. Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah! And eventually, we'll see a single-payer health care system. Yes, socialized medicine. Brought to you by the federal government. Hip, hip, hooray!!! We've allowed free and rampant enterprise to reign for far too long. And it's resulted in greed and more greed. In an ever-widening gap between the rich and the poor. Some day, we'll look back on these times as the turning point. When an enlightened society finally emerged. And we told greedy American capitalists to go to hell. --Jim Broede

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