Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Beware of rich white males.

I could be construed as a racist, of sorts. Because I’d discriminate against white males. But then consider, I am a white male. Does that make me a racist? I don’t know. Maybe it’s a matter of semantics. I’d try to give preferential treatment to black people or African-Americans or whatever the current correct political tag happens to be. Hard to keep track. Anyway, I’m for affirmative action. Meeting certain quotas to see that people discriminated against in the past sometimes get preference over a technically better qualified candidate. Yes, I want to correct the errors of the past. Even if that looks like a form of reverse discrimination. If that makes me a racist, so be it. I’m in good company, I suppose. Because the founders of our country were mostly racists. Politicians and statesmen that thought that blacks were inferior. Yes, these white males even perceived women as inferior. There’s no denying. We’ve had a racist society from the very beginning. The power was in the hands of white males. Blacks and white women didn’t have equal rights. And society is still racist in many ways. And still run largely by white males, especially rich white males. I admit it. Much of my racism is aimed at rich white males. –Jim Broede

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