Sunday, June 28, 2009

Doing something I enjoy.

I could have been a sportswriter. In fact, I was. For a while. In my younger days. But decided to get out if it. Maybe because it seemed too much like a fantasy world. But then again, maybe I traded one fantasy world for another fantasy world. Almost any kind of writing is fantasy. To some degree. Exercising the imagination. In order to tell a story. Often, a true story. Told interestingly. So many lives, it seems to me, are fantasies. The pursuit of dreams. Take professional athletes, for instance. They decide to make a living by playing games. Baseball. Football. Basketball. Hundreds of sports. Team sports. Individual sports. I think of it as a glorious pastime. A fun way to make a living. And to achieve satisfaction in life. And every game is a drama, of sorts. Often a combination of skill and chance/luck. If I had the skills, I might have played professional sports. Instead, I did the next best thing for a while. Writing about it. Yes, I could have been happy as a sportswriter. Writing about the Chicago Cubs. Wow! Doing something I enjoy. And getting paid for it. --Jim Broede

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