Sunday, June 7, 2009

Is it to be hate or love?

Barack Obama wants to bring all sides together. Which means, he'd like to achieve the impossible. The lion and the lamb living in harmony with each other. Would be nice to see it happen. Thing is, Obama is a blend of so many things. Even his name. Barack Hussein Obama. A white mother. A black father, who happened to be Muslim. He's a Christian. And a master politician. A natural born one. He'd even like to make strange bedfellows of far right conservatives and far left liberals. Of Palestinians and Jews. Of believers and atheists. By focusing on what we all have in common. I think he's a marvel. A phenomenon. Yes, a believer in the impossible. He'd bring Jesus and Muhammed together. Make them friends. Buddies. Probably could do it. But the problem is their followers. Christians and Muslims. The fanatics. They'll have no part of it. Because they prefer to pursue the gospel of hate. Rather than love. --Jim Broede

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