Tuesday, June 9, 2009

No desire to go to the cat doctor.

Loverboy is all curled up. Sleeping. Contentedly. On the cushion atop my desk. I think he appreciates being home. He doesn't like to go out. To the doctor. It makes him uneasy. Maybe he remembers being brought in to the animal shelter several years ago. And having to live there. For 3 months. In a cage. In a roomful of cages with other cats. Little opportunity to move about. And nobody was adopting him. Until the day I came. Maybe that's why he's such a Loverboy. He found a home. And a girlfriend. Namely, Chenuska. And he gets fed every day. By this giant cat that looks a little like Boris Yeltsin. And so to stay on the good side of the giant cat, he grooms him daily. And he sleeps next to the big cat. That is, when he isn't cuddling with Chenuska. Meanwhile, Loverboy really has no desire to roam about. And especially no desire to go to the cat doctor. Even though it's for his own good. --Jim Broede

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