Monday, June 22, 2009

Out of mutual respect.

Iranians don't trust us. And I understand why. We Americans interfered in Iranian affairs often. Even to the point of overthrowing a legitimate government in 1953. And putting the Shah in charge. And we even provided some of the chemicals when Saddam Hussein used poison gas against Iranians in a war, in which we supported Hussein and Iraq. And it was only months ago that Republican presidential candidate John McCain was chanting, 'Bomb, bomb, bomb Iran.' And George Bush labeled Iran as part of a three-nation 'axis of evil.' Of course, Barack Obama knows all this. And so it makes sense for him to encourage a relatively 'hands off' approach to recent events in Iran. An uprising or protest, of sorts, over the outcome of what some see as a rigged election. We really don't know exactly what's going on in Iran. In part, because we don't even recognize the government. We don't have a consulate or embassy there. And we've got our share of politicians (especially conservatives) bad-mouthing Iran. Bad-mouthing Obama, too, for not bad-mouthing Iran enough. They'd have Obama condemning Iran in no uncertain terms. But Obama seems to want events to unfold naturally in Iran. Without the usual interference from the U.S. Because that could be counter-productive. But our nation's conservatives specialize in counter-productivity. That's why they lost the last election, and remain in the minority. Thank gawd. Meanwhile, I'll put my faith and trust in Obama. Could be the Iranians will do the same some day. Out of long overdue mutual respect. Despite our differences. --Jim Broede

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