Friday, June 12, 2009

Time to put up with Obama.

The wacko element on the far, far right in America want it their way. Only thing is, a majority doesn’t want it the wacko way. Time has passed the wackos by. No longer does extreme conservatism prevail. If it ever did. But yes, it was a stronger movement than it is now. But conservatism didn’t work. So, at the last election, most voters went in a new direction. Evidenced by the election of Barack Husein Obama, a black man whose father happened to be a Muslim. Indeed, that really riles the wackos. Some of ‘em even talk up the idea of seceding from the USA. Well, I’d be happy to see ‘em go. That is, if they can muster a majority in any state. But that won’t happen. The wackos want minority rule. They want to foist their ways on all of us. Because they think god almighty is on their side. Yes, they’re religious zealots. Fanatics. Almost on par with the most extreme Muslims. Listen, you wackos, we had to put up with eight years of your beloved George Bush. Now it’s time for you to put up with our beloved Obama. –Jim Broede

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