Thursday, July 9, 2009

Living over their heads.

I suspect people get into life over their heads. Especially famous people. They are unable to handle celebrity. It drives them crazy. They try to do too much. And they become too sensitive to criticism. So, they end up leading unhappy lives. In the spotlight. Two examples. Sarah Palin. Michael Jackson. Jackson got so that he couldn't sleep any more. He needed drug-induced sleep. And he desperately wanted a last hurrah. A comeback. Instead of just retiring. And leading a peaceful, tranquil life. Just savoring the non-material aspects of life. He couldn't do it. So maybe he had a death wish. Maybe he wished his heart to stop. So he could enter the realm of oblivion. Maybe wishing he'd never been born. And now we have Palin. In the midst of a meltdown. Making a fool of herself. Going fishing in hip-boots. Getting annoyed with David Letterman. Quitting as governor of Alaska in the middle of her first term. Maybe to avoid a nervous breakdown. So she can go hunting wolves and caribou from a helicopter. --Jim Broede

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