Thursday, July 2, 2009

She doesn't like to be liked.

I know someone that disagrees with me just for the sake of disagreeing. Funny. Actually, she wouldn't want to be caught dead agreeing with me. Because she thinks I'm an agent of the devil. And if she agreed, she'd be siding with the devil. The woman is a good Christian. In the traditional sense. She professes all the right things. Everything she's been taught. She even castigates me for spelling god with a lower case "g." Thinks that's a sin. And I'll burn in hell for being disrespectful of god. She doesn't quite believe that I'm a believer. Albeit, I'm a free-thinker. I believe in god. But not in any organized church or religion. And I especially believe in love. In a god of love, I suppose. I'm a liberal, too. And I suspect she's a conservative. Because that puts her a safe distance from me. Politically. I often try to joke with the woman. Because I think she takes life far too seriously. And she counters that I should be more serious. But the fact of the matter is that I like the woman. Maybe that's why she may not like me. She doesn't like to be liked. Especially by me. --Jim Broede

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