Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I'm always learning.

I'm feeling good about life. In general. Maybe because I've finally learned to take life one day at a time. And to make the most of each day. By finding something to savor. I'm no perfectionist. I don't ever expect everything to go perfectly. Sometimes, things go wrong. But hey, that's all right. Of course, it helps that I'm in love. But even if I weren't, I'd find ample reason to be happy. Because I've been in love before. And that has a residual effect. Makes me aware that life has been worthwhile. Seems that my cup is always full. But that often it runneth over. And I'm always learning. I have a tutor. Yes, my own personal teacher. She teaches me a lot. Mostly, to think. To keep an open mind. And to be a decent human being. --Jim Broede

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