Sunday, September 13, 2009

The racist forgot the 'boy'.

Here's a nice column to read. By Maureen Dowd. In Sunday's New York Times. Boy, oh, boy, does it ever touch on the issue of underlying racism. Dowd captures what's going on. Click on it. And read. --Jim Broede


Broede's Broodings said...

We white folks like to think there's no underlying racism permeating this country. And that's a big problem. That's why racism is allowed to fester. We don't want to see it. Even when it's quite obvious. We want to pretend that it doesn't exist. And as long as we are white, we get away with it. Because we can live without it directly affecting our comfort level. We blank it out. So that it doesn't even bother our consciences. In a sense, that's what makes many of us racists. --Jim

Anonymous said...

I am not so positive that this was a "racist" statement. I find it nothing more than what you do here on your blog. Republican's have always bashed Democrats, just as you always bash Republican's. What is the difference? You have many times called Bush and many other's names. If think you have even wished deaths on them.

On the other hand I do disagree with what is being taught to our children. Parents pulling children from school so they don't hear what the President say's. Outburst from so called adults in a disrespectful manner. What does this teach our children.

Are these racist's acts?

Maebee said...

"But, fair or not, what I heard was an unspoken word in the air: You lie, boy!"

This one sentence negated the entire rest of the column for me. That one word(boy), entered by the columnist, changed the entire incident, into something that it was not. At least she did include "unspoken". Key word. But, hey, whatever sells the paper. That's what columnist are for, right?

This was not a racist incident, but a reaction to the fact that there ARE loopholes in the current health plan being considered, that DOES let illegal aliens get health care.

Broede's Broodings said...

I guess, Maebee, that Dowd and I see racism where you don't see it. That's my point. You and many whites are blind to racism. You wouldn't recognize it if it hit you over the head. If you lived in a black skin for a while, you'd see all kinds of it. You just see life from a lily white perspective. --Jim

Maebee said...

"I guess, Maebee, that Dowd and I see racism where you don't see it."

Right you are! I don't see it in *most* places that Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton see it, either. Bread & butter; bread & butter. See, THEY get paid for it, and you get responses. Best point-your title. He didn't "forget" to say "boy". He didn't say it. Period.

Joe Wilson did not commit a racist act. A severe breech of decorum, yes. Disrespect, yes. Did he break any laws? I don't know. What I do know, as fact, is that Mr. Wilson apologized to President Obama, and that the President said, *publicly* that he had accepted Wilson's apology. OUR President wants to move on.

"Lily-white"???? Do you mean the definition of "being without fault or corruption", or the one of "consisting of only white people, and excluding all non-white people"???

The former is so much closer to the truth. I am not racist. I abhor racism, in any form. I believe in finding the truth-with facts-and not depending on biased columnists, reporters, or professional "speakers" whose livelihood and self-affirmation depend on the emotional reactions to what they write/say, and not on the truth or the facts. They fan the flames, that burn the crosses.

Believe me, I have lived closer to blacks than you EVER will. You and others turn non-racist incidents into racist incidents. This does nothing to help the black community. If you ask them, it does more harm. What could be made out of that???? Who may be the true racists here??

Do not follow the path of those whose intent is to paint all Republicans and anyone who disagrees with our President as racist. That only defeats the job he is trying to do. No one should follow ANY President, blindly. That is the main benefit of a Democracy. That we can peacefully disagree with our Government.

'Nuff said. Move onward and upward. Help, don't hinder. Call for explanations, don't call names.

Broede's Broodings said...

Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton and Maureen Dowd, and me, too, would consider Joe Wilson a racist. He implied 'boy' without directly using the word. That's the nature of racism today. More subtle than it used to be. In a way, that may be worse than the more overt type of racism. When racists used the "N" word with reckless abandon. Now they try to disguise the racism more. But it's still racism. Anyway, Maebee, I won't sway you. And you won't sway me. We are coming to this from different directions. You think you're right. And I think I'm right. You'll deal with it in your way. And I'll deal with it in my way. --Jim

Maebee said...

Pray tell, Jim, what in the world did he say, that "implied" it?!?! No, you won't sway me that saying "You lied" to someone, even if of a different race, is racist.

First of all, the President was making a claim about the current health care plan not providing health care to those in the U.S. illegally. It is truly simple to find out that, in the current plan, it does NOT provide for verification that one IS a legal citizen. It does nothing to stop them getting free health care.

Funny, isn't it, that NOW, legislators are scrambling to put in safeguards and provisions??

Is Joe Wilson racist?? I really do not know. What I do know, and you admit, is that this "racism", was IMPLIED. Meaning, that is what YOU, and MsDowd ASSUME was meant. How in the world does "You lie", become a racist remark?? Would it be racist if Wilson were black, and Obama white????

I am really trying to understand this reasoning. You cannot defend your statement. The focus should have been on the disrespect President Obama received, while addressing the Congress.

Broede's Broodings said...

One of the reasons why racism continues to be a festering problem in the U.S., Maebee, is because of people like you who deny it's a problem. Yes, you are in a state of denial. Because you don't want American society to be portrayed as racist. Which it is. Always has been. Right from the founding of the nation. It's never been eradicated, and maybe never will. Oh, the argument can be made that the degree of racism isn't as bad as it used to be. But that's of little consolation to people who are the butt of racism. I know people like Joe Wilson. And they are racists through and through. They'll deny it. Just as you deny in their behalf. In that sense, you tolerate racism. It's partly because of people like you that racism doesn't go away. You look the other way. Like I say, if you were in a black skin for a while, you'd most likely change your mind. Because then you'd really feel the gawd-awful negative effects. Instead, you're a privileged white. And I suspect you don't want to lose the advantage of your privilege. --Jim

Maebee said...

Jim, Jim, Jim, what shall I do....
I have not denied that racism is a problem. I even agree, that it will never be eradicated, and that is a shame. I do NOT agree, that America, as a society, is racist. I have always stated I abhor racism. I deny nothing, in anyone else's behalf. I only speak for myself.

MY POINT WAS......the particular incident you brought attention to was NOT a racist incident, but was being made out to be one.


AND, again, I do NOT know if Joe Wilson is racist or not. I never heard of him before the other day.

I am not addressing your "black skin" comments, or your "privileged white" comments, since I really do not want to feed your bigotry.

Broede's Broodings said...

I side with Maureen Dowd and Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, dear Maebee. They see Joe Wilson as a racist. I think they have a much better grasp of the situation than you. They are much closer to the issue than you. Racists often speak in codes. And many of 'em happen to be conservative politically and socially. They are more likely to be Republicans than Democrats. I've spent a lifetime dealing with the issue of racism. I've written many articles about it. I could write a book about it. I have no doubt that racism is inherent and deeply engrained in American society. Many of us whites have been groomed to be racists. We were raised that way. It's part of the social fabric. Believe me, you wouldn't want to live in a black skin. It'd make a big and dramatic difference in your privileged white life. --Jim

Maebee said...

What part of "You lie" is racist?? That's all I wanted to know. Nothing is. That is why you are running circles around my question.

Guess what? You can't access the article anymore, unless you register with NY Times. Hmmm...

Maebee said...

It changes back and forth. Sometimes you can read it, others you can't.

Broede's Broodings said...

Joe Wilson's whole tone, and his history, conveys his racist feelings, Maebee. He's been behind racist causes. All his life. Dowd lists them. This guy smells of racism. He's an emotional racist. He's lost control. That's why he shouted. Why he made a fool of himself. I'm sure he was elected to Congress because he's from a hotbed of racism. He's from South Carolina, you know. Not everyone living in South Carolina is a racist. But hey, there are plenty of 'em there. You know it. I know it. Remember, I lived in the South for several years. I was active in the civil rights movement. I was on the executive board of the NAACP in Vero Beach. Now Wilson is getting strong support from his fellow racists. They're sending him money and best wishes. Because they hate that 'boy' Obama as much as Wilson does. --Jim