Sunday, September 27, 2009

...the true essence of love.

I am blessed because I am in love with far more than a nice, warm body. Yes, think about the true essence of love. --Jim Broede


Broede's Broodings said...

I'd like to hear what some of you think is the true essence of love. A woman once told me it's waking up with a warm body next to her. Of course, I couldn't disagree more. It's really so much more. A conglomeration of many, many things. Physical. Mental. Spiritual. Quite a blending. --Jim

Anonymous said...

"Broede's Broodings said...
I'll bet that some of you wished you had a love letter waiting for you every morning when you got up. Yes, a perfect way to start a day. --Jim

September 25, 2009 8:04 PM"

"Anonymous said...
I have a nice, warm body waiting for me every morning. You must be censoring your fan mail.

September 25, 2009 9:29 PM"

"Broede's Broodings said...
I'd like to hear what some of you think is the true essence of love. A woman once told me it's waking up with a warm body next to her....
September 28, 2009 12:58 PM"

You misrepresent me, and my words. Simply a response to you preferring a love letter to a real person.

Broede's Broodings said...

Sounds more like you misrepresenting me, Anon2. I didn't say I prefer a love letter to a real person. Instead, I make the case that the true essence of love is a combination of things. Many, many things. Not a single thing. It's a steady flow that evolves into -- well, love expressed in many ways. Love letters are a part of it, especially if the lovers aren't at the moment living physically together. For one reason or another. But even if they are living together, it's still nice to write love letters. To write loving notes. To speak loving words. Loving thoughts. To do loving acts. One might call it a steady flow. Rather than a single act. Anyway, I never said I prefer a love letter to a real person. My love letters are to a real person. In a sense, she's just as real as if she were at that very moment physically with me. There's a spiritual and mental connection. And believe me, that's very real. Lovers find ways to connect in very real ways. Not just in bed. Not with just warm bodies. I find ways to connect with my love daily. Without miss. Even if at times we are separated by geographic distance. Distance is no barrier. Actually, it can make love more profound. Often, it requires lovers to become more innovative. There are many, many ways to make love, you know. I keep finding new ways all the time. --Jim Broede

Broede's Broodings said...

Yes, one can even make love from a distance. With a love letter. With a poem. With words that flow from the heart and gut and soul. Yes, true lovers always find ways to connect. No obstacle is too big, too formidable. --Jim

Broede's Broodings said...

Like I said when I initiated this blog. I'm a romantic idealist. Among other things. But I'll put romantic idealist at the top of the list. Makes me feel, oh, so good. --Jim