Friday, October 9, 2009

...the biggest challenge of all.

I'm more proud to be a citizen of the world than a citizen of the U.S. Oh, it's nice residing in Minnesota. I like the state. And the people. But I also like the people in the countries I've been to in the past 2 years. Italy. Germany. Austria. France. Switzerland. Luxembourg. Scotland. Canada. And I'm really fond of the United Nations. And the World Court. I wouldn't mind seeing the U.S. surrender some of its sovereignty. In a move toward world government. I like the idea of nations cooperating with each other in an effort to bring about the common good. Maybe some day we could even end wars. And find ways to settle our differences peacefully. Through diplomacy and mutual respect rather than confict and violence. The fact that we Americans elected Barack Obama president is a step in the right direction. He's gained much respect worldwide. Evidenced by Obama being awarded the prestigious Nobel peace prize. Of course, we still must bring peace between our own Republicans and Democrats. And that may be the biggest challenge of all. We may achieve world peace before that happens. Another reason why I sometimes feel more comfortable in Italy or Germany than in the U.S. --Jim Broede


Broede's Broodings said...

There's at least one state I wouldn't want to live in. Texas. From what I've seen of Texas, it's hell. I'm also not sure about South Carolina and Alabama. --Jim

Broede's Broodings said...

I've also lived in the state of confusion. --Jim