Sunday, October 11, 2009

Jesus was a socialist.

I know it sounds un-American. And anti-capitalist. But some how, some way, we Ameriacn capitalists have to put curb on our insatiable desire to make profits. Big profits. Obscene profits. Instead, we have to sacrifice profit for the sake of the common good. We need to design a health care system that provides universal coverage. Without middle men that rake in profits. Without getting anybody rich. Yes, doing something without having to bilk each other. It's really that simple. Eliminate the monetary profit motive. I'm no Christian. But I'd be for a system designed by Jesus. That's right. I think that religious philosopher Jesus would do the right thing. I think we could trust him. Unfortunately, we don't. Because he'd overturn the tables of the money lenders. Of the immoral insurance companies. And the immoral pharmaceutical companies. He'd introduce them to 'Christian' principles. Our capitalist system is about as anti-Christian as it gets. But our so-called self-proclaimed Christians are among the most obscene profiteers. Now that's the height of hypocracy. Jesus wouldn't like it, would he? Anyway, little wonder why I abhor the modern-day version of Christianity. Because it's a sham. In practice. A fake. A gross distortion of Jesus' real message. Yes, Jesus was a socialist. Not a capitalist. --Jim Broede


Broede's Broodings said...

Jesus worked as a carpenter early in life. I wonder, would he have joined a union? I suspect he was rather independent. But also an advocate of a mass movement. He'd be a reformer. --Jim

Broede's Broodings said...

I also wonder if Jesus had a sense of humor. It could be that those who chronicled his life ignored his funny side. Because they lacked humor themselves, and didn't see it. Even when it was obvious. I suspect that Jesus cracked some jokes at the Last Supper. To sort of ease the tension. It'd be nice to have the complete transcript. --Jim