Sunday, October 25, 2009

Has the world gone crazy?

We are inundated by news. Slanted in so very many directions. Different interpretations. So many that one can be easily confused. In essence, we have all kinds of realities to choose. Liberal slants. Conservative slants. And positions inbetween. If I put on the Fox Network. I'm told that Barack Obama is a fascist. A danger to our country. He must fail for America to have any chance of survival. So that the lunatic fringe of the Republican Party can take power. Some of the Fox pundits have even proposed a military coup d'etat. And they hold T-parties across the nation in an effort to stir rebellion. To a liberal like me, it seems like utter fantasy. A joke. Yet, to a far right conservative, I appear to be the lunatic. A wild-eyed socialist. A communist. The devil incarnate. And I think reality is what I hear reported on cable channel MSNBC by the likes of Keith Obermann and Rachel Maddow. The other side listens to Rush Limbaugh and Glen Beck. Little wonder that I sense the world has gone crazy. --Jim Broede


Broede's Broodings said...

If I'm crazy. If I'm the lunatic. I consider myself harmless. Because I rant and rave in a blog called broodings. And people can take it or leave it. For what it's worth. Perhaps nothing. But hey, it's a nice outlet. For me. Gets me on record. And I have a small audience. Maybe of fellow lunatics. But still, it's good company. --Jim

Broede's Broodings said...

Several decades ago, I didn't have this outlet. I had to send my messages out in a bottle. In the sea. And it took a long time for the message to arrive. If at all. Now I have the Internet. A vast new sea. And lo and behold, I have found love. And I've nurtured it. In so many, many ways. I've connected. In person. So very real. We've touched. And it all began two years ago today. When the bottle arrived. When the bottle was found. By chance. By fate. Maybe by divine design. --Jim Broede