Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Are we blessed by god?

The common good. That's something we've lost track of in the USA. That is, if we ever had a solid notion of the common good. In our capitalist society, we espouse doing what's best for the individual. Not necessarily what's best for society as a whole. That's why I tend to lean in a socialist direction. I like the idea of spreading and sharing the wealth. Narrowing the gap between the rich and the poor. I think Eastern cultures -- moreso than Western cultures -- have been tuned into the concept of the commom good. Jesus, too. The Jesus I read about in the Bible sounds like a socialist. But practitioners of Christianity seem more inclined to be capitalists. Distorting much of what Jesus had to say about matters. But that's the nature of capitalists. To distort. To lie. For purpose of financial gain. To become extraordinarily rich, in the monetary sense, one has to succumb to greed. It's almost as if one's sole purpose is to make money. That's the measure of success. In America, we take pride in our wealth. We brag about being the wealthiest nation on Earth. I wonder, does that mean we are blessed by god? --Jim Broede

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