I am accessible. I am real. I can be found. Yet there are people who doubt my existence. In that respect, it makes me feel a little like god. Little wonder that we have agnostics. People who can't be sure of anything. I'm sure that I am real. That I am Jim Broede.
Also, some people have questioned whether my dear friends Rosie and Cherie are real. That maybe they are figments of my imagination. My friend Maebee has raised such speculation. Because we seem to be three peas from the same pod, as she puts it. Albeit, she misspells peas as pee. Turns out Rosie and Cherie side with me often. Not always, but often. I give everyone assurance, they are as real as real can be. And I'm blessed to have such friends and allies. To combat the denigrations heaped on me by the likes of Maebee and some snob ladies. They sure like to take me to task. For being something of an ass. I'm an opinionated guy, I admit. And that turns off the snob ladies. Including Maebee. Although I don't consider her a true blue snob. But still, those snob ladies are pretty decent folks much of the time. They just get a little cranky on occasion and go off on rants. Even to the point of unfairly castigating Rosie and Cherie for siding with me. That's unfortunate and unwarranted. Instead, the snob ladies should aim all their barbs at me. I deserve chastising. After all, a lot of what I write is satirical. Biting, too. And so are some of the comments posted by others. Many of 'em anonymous. There's Larry the cable guy, for instance. Some snob ladies suspect that I'm Larry. But that ain't true. I post only under my own name. Never using a pseudonym. I'm proud of my name. So I might as well stick with it. As for Larry, I can't say for sure who Larry really is. Although I have a pretty good idea. He's clever. So I publish him from time to time. But he's been censored, too. For being unfairly critical of the snob ladies. --Jim Broede
Think of it. Many of us have lost our identities. We have chosen to become anonymous. Often, out of fear. Better to hide in the shadows than venture out into the sunshine. --Jim
Of course, it might be we never had an identity. --Jim
I expect to walk in a graveyard some day and see a proliferating number of tombstones with the name 'Anonymous.' --Jim Broede
It could be that the 'anonymous' want t sneak through life. --Jim Broede
Back early in our history, we were known as cavemen. And some of us have returned to the caves in so-called modern times. Caves in Pakistan have become a favorite hideout. A way to remain undetected. To go underground, so to speak. --Jim Broede
But maybe caves won't be safe any more. We have weapons of mass destruction capable of blowing every cave off the face of the Earth. --Jim Broede
Maybe our most lethal weapon of mass destruction will be global warming. We can turn Earth ino another Venus. Completely hostile to human life. --Jim Broede
Its called Global Change
My complaint is
YOU INSIST WE ALL USE OUR GIVEN NAMES. YET SCARY AND POSEY DO NOT. HELL EVEN LARRY DIDN'T (AKA SCARY) BUNNY DIDN'T (AKA BUNNY) You even state you don't know who larry is, lol liar. Shows us all why we can't beleive a damn thing you say.
I can assure you I am not maebee yet you have often taken my words and claimed I am her. I am very opinionated also, yet in your eyes then I am a bad bad person. Life doesn't work that way. You also feel the need to call people "snob ladies" yet if someone calls you something BAD BAD.
Jimmy if you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen. What is good for one is good for the other. Your blog is all one sided conversations. Which is often very boring with the exception of laughs when you make yourself look so foolish. This one sided conversation to me shows more of the lies you spew
I don't insist on anything. I just happen to impose some rules. In my blog. And they are rather flexible rules. I allow exceptions. Depending on my mood. Don't we all? --Jim
I haven't insisted that you use your name. --Jim
I like the heat of the kitchen. Especially on a cold, wintry day. And we have lots of those in Minnesota. The nice thing about the kitchen, too, is there's something to eat. I raid the refrigerator all the time. See, it's nice to have some cold in the kitchen. Helps to preserve food. The kitchen is one of my favorite places. --Jim
And I give you the option. You can believe me or not believe me. I don't require belief. --Jim
I don't even think that god requires us to believe in him. God even saves agnostics and atheists. Everyone. --Jim
If I mistake you for Maebee, isn't that a compliment? Maebee is one of my favorite people. She probably has more posts in the comments section than anyone. She enlightens us all with her penetrating wisdom. In that respect, you are much like Maebee. You could be twin sisters for all I know. Two peas from the same pod. --Jim
You forgot to say that my blog happens to be brilliant one-sided conversations. Often funny, too. --Jim
Stupid conversations, too. Evidenced by some of the anonymous comments. The contrast makes me seem smart. --Jim
And I don't think it's necessarily bad to be called a snob lady. I've known some very nice snobs in my days. I'm even a snob, of sorts. I consider myself superior. --Jim
Yes, that makes me a superior snob. Better than being an inferior snob. I'm an elite snob. One of a kind. --Jim
snob |snäb|
a person with an exaggerated respect for high social position or wealth who seeks to associate with social superiors and dislikes people or activities regarded as lower-class.
• [with adj. ] a person who believes that their tastes in a particular area are superior to those of other people : a musical snob.
The snob ladies act as if they are superior -- superior fools. And I have to acknowledge that's true. They are superior fools. Nobody does a better job of making fools of themselves than the snob ladies. They go about it with their noses tilted high. But you gotta like 'em. They're funny. --Jim
I admit, they are a far, far more superior fool than I. I could never measure up to their 'fool' standards. They make me feel like an inferior fool. I need to study harder to become a superior fool. --Jim
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