Thursday, November 26, 2009

It doesn't matter. Or does it?

Seems to me that our long and costly war in Iraq hasn't made America a safer or better place. And if that's the case -- well, it was a terrible waste. Just think how all that money and lost and damaged lives could have been better spent. And now we're going through a similar waste in Afghanistan. Because, I guess, our nation's decisionmakers think war is good. For our country. Doesn't matter if we go bankrupt. Doesn't matter if our economy is in a shambles. Doesn't matter that 17 percent of Americans are jobless or underemployed. Doesn't matter that 46 million Americans are without health insurance. Doesn't matter that our nation's infrastructure is crumbling. Yes, it doesn't matter. Or does it? --Jim Broede


Broede's Broodings said...

If things really mattered, we Americans would take to the streets and launch a revolution. --Jim

Broede's Broodings said...

Maybe we don't revolt because we lack heart and soul. A pity. --Jim

Anonymous said...

You start.

Broede's Broodings said...

I've taken to the streets today. Now come. Follow your leader. One at a time. Single file. Yes, I have started the revolution. In an orderly manner. Vive le revolution!!! --Jim

Anonymous said...

"I've taken to the streets today."
Yeah, right. You are out, on the streets of "Somewhere in Minnesota"?

Broede's Broodings said...

Yes, I'm out on the streets of Forest Lake. Population 15,000. Promoting the revolution. It has to start somewhere. Might as well be Minnesota. What about you? Show me some gumption. Take to the streets in your little baliwick. Yes, two towns, then three. Before we know it, it'll be the world. Revolutions start one step at a time. From small beginnings come big things. Vive le revolution!!! If the gendarmes try to stop me, I'll give 'em the finger. Will you bail me out of jail? Anyway, there's a court case. In which a guy, after he was arrested for a traffic violation, gave the cop the finger. And he was arrested for that. The guy sued. Saying the finger is permissable. And the arrest was an infringment of his right to free speech. And the guy was awarded $50,000. That should help finance the revolution. --Jim