Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Many more wheelchairs to sell.

Even my hero, Barack Obama, is caught up in the war mentality. Caught up in the system that dictates we go to war. Because it's the macho thing to do. A way to satisfy our warhawks. To serve the military industrial complex. Eisenhower had it right. We have an economy based largely on war. On conflict. On aggression. War puts people to work. My gawd. If we didn't have people in uniform, where would we put them to work? The unemployment ranks would skyrocket. Because we don't know how to create jobs making peace. That would be far more productive. But it wouldn't satisfy the war-mongers. The munition makers. The weapons makers. War also is a boon to the funeral industry. More bodies to bury. More bodies to cremate. Also, I suppose, it helps advance medical technology. We know how to better amputate legs and arms. And think of the wheelchair industry. So many more wheelchairs to sell to paralyzed veterans. --Jim Broede


Broede's Broodings said...

We Americans will always find a way to make a buck. Just think of all the profits/bucks that come out of a prolonged war. Makes lots of people rich. Making weapons and ammunition. And such a surge in the funeral business. Also helps to slow the population growth. Yes, war is a capitalist's dream. --Jim

Broede's Broodings said...

Of course, I prefer to think of war as a nightmare. Makes me a bad capitalist, I suppose. Come to think of it, I'm a socialist. --Jim