Tuesday, November 24, 2009

My joy: Seeing livid Republicans.

Republicans can use filibuster rules to block health care reform in Congress. To shut off a filibuster, it requires a 60-40 vote majority. But the Democrats can counter by advancing a health care reform bill through a procedure known as budget reconciliation. That can pass with a simple majority vote. Well, if I'm a Democrat, I wouldn't hesitate using such an option. That would assure passage of a public health insurance option. And it'd make the Republicans livid. So be it. There's nothing I enjoy more than seeing livid Republicans. --Jim Broede


Broede's Broodings said...

Many politicians are so mean-spirited that I have no difficulty maligning them. I do it in good conscience. Because they are evil people. --Jim Broede

Anonymous said...

It seems you only want to punish the Republicans for "something". BOTH parties need to compromise. It is not the Democratic way, all the way, either. Seems they want to just shove this thing through, with any compromise on THEIR part.

I see major problems on BOTH sides. Hopefully, debate may solve some of them.

So, the Democrats should force this through, just to prove a point? Just to throw their weight around? Seems you just want to "beat the Republicans", not get behind what is truly best for Americans. AND what WE really want. Those polls you purport to be EVERYONE'S opinion, are seriously flawed.

This mentality that you are showing is EXACTLY the reason there are wars in the world. EXACTLY the reason the United States, as a super power, goes to war with those who refuse to compromise, and slaughter their own citizens, as well as ours, simply because we exist. That you would hold the lives of those heartless idiots above others, even our own, is reprehensible.

Broede's Broodings said...

The Democrats have compromised. My gawd. We liberals want a single payer system. Equivalent to Medicare. For everyone. We are accepting far less than that. The current bill has been watered down. Plenty. To try to accommodate the Republicans. To try to at least attract token Republican support. But Republicans won't give an inch. At some point, we have to say to hell with 'em. If they won't compromise -- well, then maybe we liberals shouldn't compromise either. Let's shove a single payer system down their dirty, rotten throats. That's what they'd do to us if they had a majority. They'd move to privatize everything. And give their fat cat cronies more tax breaks. Yes, rob the poor and give to the rich. Widen the gap between the rich and poor. Well, it's time to screw the filthy rich. The poor and the middle class have been screwed for way too long. It's time for a change. A redistribution of the wealth. --Jim Broede

Anonymous said...

How would you know? You admit you haven't read any of it. Don't you want to know how it is going to effect YOU? Those leftist liberal loonies don't know everything.

I have rights, guaranteed me by the Constitution of the United States and its Amendments, and this is going to flush them right down the toilet! Why do you think we hear more from those that disapprove of this, than thos that approve it?? It is a SHAM, and if it passes, be prepared to take it like a man, a girlie-man, 'cause that is where we are all getting screwed!

Broede's Broodings said...

I have rights, too. The right to put my faith in socialist principles. Long live socialism! --Jim

Broede's Broodings said...

You, anon56, can learn to like democratic socialism, too. Get behind the common good for a change. --Jim

Broede's Broodings said...

I'll support some degree of capitalism, too. As long as it's regulated. By government. --Jim

Broede's Broodings said...

By the way, Anon56, all the girlie-men are Republicans. --Jim

Broede's Broodings said...

And I wouldn't be caught dead being a Republican. I have more pride and integrity than that. Why would I want to be shamed? --Jim