Saturday, November 14, 2009

That I truly love life.

I do remind myself occasionally that I'm retired. And it's a nice feeling. That I don't have to go to work. Means my life is winding down, too. But I have a new freedom. Or so it seems. To do pretty much as I please. Because I have time. For myself. I suppose I did have ample time. Even when I was gainfully employed. And had to report for work. And write. Stories for newspapers. But I feel more free now. Because I'm my boss. Within reason, that is. I still write. Daily. Maybe far more than when I worked. But now it isn't work. It's totally pleasure. Oh, it was pleasure, too, when I worked. But still I called it going to work. Because I wrote even when I didn't feel like writing. Now I feel like it. It's become fun. Yes, pleasure. Maybe it's because I don't have to please anyone but myself. Though I do try to please another. When I write a love letter. Come to think of it. Maybe I've learned to write only love letters. As a tribute to life. I've had time to discover. To explore. To finally learn that I'm free. That I truly love life. --Jim Broede


Broede's Broodings said...

Seems to me that it takes more than a single lifetime to truly discover life. I need multiple lifetimes. Maybe 1,000 or more. --Jim

Broede's Broodings said...

Life is love. And love is life. --Jim