Monday, November 16, 2009

The way the system works.

Big deal. The phamaceutical companies are telling the government that as part of health care reform, they'll volunteer to reduce drug prices to the tune of $8 billion. But you know what they are doing? To pave the way for lower prices, they are now in the process of raising drug prices by $10 billion, according to the New York Times. Yes, to build a cushion. So that it won't hurt their profits when they lower the prices. Actually, under this shell game, they'll come out $2 billion ahead. And we consumers -- well, we'll be screwed once again. That's the way the capitalist system works. --Jim Broede


Broede's Broodings said...

Also, have you noticed that the credit card companies (mostly owned by big banks) have been raising interest rates on credit cards? Just in case the government tells them in the near future that they can't raise the rates any more. Won't matter, because the rates will have already been raised by hefty amounts. Anyway, these big banks include those bailed out by taxpayers. So, once again, we consumers/taxpayers get screwed. By the greedy capitalists. --Jim Broede

Broede's Broodings said...

And guess who's thriving once again? Yes, the Wall Street bankers. They are taking home record bonuses. While many in the working class go jobless and subsist at the poverty level. --Jim

Broede's Broodings said...

Pardon me, if I sound cynical. --Jim