Sunday, November 29, 2009

A way to make us all feel better.

It's time to tax the hell out of the super rich and end the war in Afghanistan and take the money raised and saved and spend it on creating jobs. Something similar to the Works Progress Administration during the 1930s. Yes, let's follow in the tracks of the New Deal. Put vast numbers of the unemployed back to work again. That's the way to fix the economy. Better than bailing out the Wall Street bankers and brokers. Let's help the common people. Not just the wealthy elites. The elite millionaires can afford much higher taxes to pay for the jobs program. It's a way to redistribute the nation's wealth. Put more of it in the hands of needy in the lower and middle classes. The work projects will make for a better America. By improving the nation's infrastructure. And just think. Instead of spending money on devastating war, we'd put it to a decent, upliftng use for a change. It'll make us all feel better. --Jim Broede

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