Tuesday, November 24, 2009

We Americans will win.

Nobody in his right mind wants to privatize social security. Or Medicare. In the first place, the public wouldn't let politicians get away with it. We common, ordinary Americans like the public nature of these programs. But when they were first adopted, Republicans were vehement in their opposition. Labeling them socialistic. Good thing the Republiocans didn't get their way. Seems to me the overwhelming majority of Americans would agree to that. Not the Republicans. But hey, they're a distinct minority these days. Thank gawd. We also should not be surprised that the obstructionist Republicans are rock solid against the public option in the current health insurance reform legislation before Congress. But hopefully, the Republicans will be on the losing side again. Which means, we Americans will win. --Jim Broede

1 comment:

Broede's Broodings said...

Isn't it amazing that so very many threads in this blog draw at least one comment? --Jim