Sunday, November 15, 2009

Well, that's their problem.

I suppose I do taunt people. To some extent. That's my nature. It generally gets a reaction. Usually, I'm taunting in a jocular way. To be funny. But some who are the butts of my taunts don't necessarily see the humor. And they take it seriously. Which makes it even more funny. Of course, that makes me seem cruel. And I am. To some degree. Most humor has a cruel side. Because it's poking fun. Often, to relieve tension in a situation. But it creates tension, too. Especially in the humorless. I think it was funny, for instance, when my dear Jeanne some years ago started swearing while singing 'Silent Night' at a Christmas service in a nursing home chapel. Yes, that happens when you're an Alzheimer patient. The unexpected. But rather than get distraught or embarrassed over it, why not laugh? And if some in attendance don't think it's funny -- well, that's their problem. --Jim Broede


Anonymous said...

Taking you at your word, you admit you are cruel.

Taunts are not "jovial". Taunts are meant to hurt, anger and/or provoke. This type of humor is only funny to the one who attempts it, or those few who gather around the "bully", mainly to avoid being a target themselves. It is also typical of the "bully", to claim he means no harm, that he is misunderstood, that the target of his taunts has no sense of humor.

Of course, it can all be attributed to a cry for attention. ANY attention, even bad. It is perfectly understandable how you would think your wife's behavior laughable. You must have gloated at the entire congregation's discomfort.

Broede's Broodings said...

I doubt that there was much discomfort. Because many in attendance were fellow care-givers of Alzheimer patients. We understand that things like that happen. And we take it in stride. Especially those of us who know how to laugh. That's a lot better than crying. Believe me. Try it. --Jim Broede

Broede's Broodings said...

By the way, you sound like an old grouch. You are funny without knowing it. You make me laugh. --Jim

Broede's Broodings said...

You have a choice, you know. You aren't required to be a grouch. --Jim

just exhibit love said...

To Anonymous

"Once the game is over,the King and the Pawn go back in the same box."

Love Rosie