Wednesday, December 23, 2009

As if they were hungry fish.

I like it when people disagree with me. Because that allows me to disagree with them. Of course, if they make solid arguments, I allow them to sway me, and I admit I'm wrong. And I mend my ways. But many people who disagree with me, won't change their minds, even if they are routed in a debate. Because they're stubborn. Entrenched in their ways. Of course, that's the way they see me, too. But I'm not stubborn. Instead, I have a sense of humor. And I like to pretend I'm stubborn. Just for laughs. For the fun of it. Really, my kind of disagreement can be fun. Because I don't take it too seriously. I even like to bait people. Into disagreement. Many of 'em bite at the bait. As if they were hungry fish. --Jim Broede

1 comment:

Broede's Broodings said...

One thing's for sure. I keep changing. I haven't held the same opinions all my life. I live and learn. I evolve. Yes, I believe in evolution. --Jim