Tuesday, January 19, 2010

It makes me feel good.

I really could live life without politics. By completely ignoring politics. Because I can't change outcomes. It's a little like sports. I pull for the Chicago Cubs and the Chicago Bears. And I can become wrapped up in the games. But there's no way that I can affect the outcome. What will happen, will happen. The same goes for politics. I can go to the polls. And vote. But I haven't yet participated in an election in which my vote was crucial. The outcome would have been the same, no matter which way I voted, or if I had not voted at all. And I doubt that writing a letter or an email to a politician will do any good. At least in the grand scheme of things. I guess I just have to learn to accept the inevitable. But I do get a little solace and comfort if I sound off. Right here in this blog. Even if it has no big impact on anyone or anything. At least it makes me feel good. --Jim Broede

1 comment:

Broede's Broodings said...

To be happy in life, one must feel good. About one's self. And about one or two others. That's about all it takes. --Jim