Thursday, January 21, 2010

Our putrid political system.

Yes, I once envisioned Barack Obama as the Great Communicator. The man with the words. That would inspire us. Lead us out of the wilderness. But no. Maybe it was all a mirage. But then again, maybe it isn't too late. The nation can still be rallied. To change. In big ways. To adapt to modern times. To finally serve the common good instead of the good of the fat cats. Anyway, I sense a stirring in America. At the grassroots. A feeling of disgust toward our politicians. Republicans and Democrats alike. They aren't working for us. The common, ordinary people. They've sold their souls. To the power elites. To the greedy and corrupt capitalists. They have become part of our putrid political system. --Jim Broede

1 comment:

Broede's Broodings said...

Obama will give his state of the union address on Jan. 27. I wish it would go down as his greatest speech ever. One that would rally the nation and put the Republicans to shame. --Jim