Friday, January 8, 2010

Reminds me that I'm in control.

I get annoyed with Barack Obama. When he gets too conciliatory. Too fair. Because his political foes take advantage of it. They are anything but fair and conciliatory. I wonder if Obama ever gets angry. Maybe not. I could understand that. Because I don't get angry. Only annoyed. But that doesn't stop me from insulting people. In ways that may seem like an expression of anger. But it isn't. Really, it's just my way of trying to annoy people. I have fun doing it. That's one way to avoid getting angry. By having fun. By poking fun. I think one of my major lifetime accomplishments has been cultivating the ability to put rein on anger. I figure that anger never serves a useful purpose. Oh, on second thought, maybe it does. When somebody else gets angry. At me. That helps to remind me that I'm the one in control. Of my temperament. --Jim Broede

1 comment:

Broede's Broodings said...

I also think that Obama feels he's in control. --Jim