Thursday, January 21, 2010

While the rest of us go broke.

If I sound annoyed with Barack Obama, it's because I am. He's not as svelte as he used to be. Because he's been sitting on his fat ass in the White House for the past year. I want him to get out of Washington. And come to us. In Minnesota. In Podunkville. All over these United States. Outside the beltway. Let's have town hall meetings with you, Mr. President. Like on the campaign trail. If you don't start mixing with us, you'll have a failed presidency. You've been mixing too much with Congress. With your fellow politicians. They don't give a rat's ass for this nation. Or for the common good. They'd keep the status quo forever. They are paid shills for the big corporate interests. They don't want a revolution. They want to keep their cushy jobs. And money. While the rest of us go jobless. And go broke. --Jim Broede

1 comment:

Broede's Broodings said...

I see Obama held a town hall meeting in Ohio the other day. And he was well-received. Now all we need is another 100 meetings. To sell his agenda. --Jim