Saturday, February 6, 2010

Capturing reality and the truth.

I turn to the New York Times almost daily. To read news reports and opinion columns that make sense. And give me a reasonably accurate account of what's happening in the world. For the most part, I don't trust the American media. It's far too biased. But I think the Times comes close to capturing reality and the truth. Occasionally I post in my blog a column from a Times columnist. Such as this one, by Paul Krugman, a professor of economics at Princeton University. --Jim Broede


Broede's Broodings said...

Used to be that Americans were force-fed some semblance of the truth by the media. Now it's all distortions and lies. We have been manipulated. Brain-washed. We are becoming non-thinking robots. Programmed to do the will of our manipulators. More and more of us lack minds of our own. A pity. --Jim

Anonymous said...

The idea is to gather from both sides, find out what is fact, and make up your own mind. It really isn't that difficult.

This problem has been in existence, ever since people communicated; so, since the beginning of time. Be it word-of-mouth, papyrus writings, leaflets from a printing press, ALL of it. The only difference is that, with the modern day communication methods, we have access to much more information. Again, it is possible to find the truth, from ALL sides.

One should not believe all one hears from the Liberals, either.

Broede's Broodings said...

It's not always possible to discover the truth. The truth can be very elusive. One person's truth is another's falsehood. --Jim