Friday, February 12, 2010

Hey Democrats, wield your power.

Keep plodding away, dear Democrats. Pass your agenda. Bit by bit by bit. In little increments, if you have to. Don't let the obstructionist Republicans stop you. Or discourage you. You've got big majorities in Congress. You may lose some seats in the House and Senate in November. But that still leaves the rest of this year to get things done. Use every trick in the books. Yes, play politics. If you don't, the Republicans will. They are ruthless. You Democrats must learn to be just as ruthless. You hold the balance of power now. Take full advantage of it. Pass health care reform. Pass a big jobs bill. Let the Bush tax cuts for the rich expire. Narrow the gap between the rich and poor. Serve the common good. And first and foremost, tell the Republicans to go to hell. --Jim Broede

1 comment:

Broede's Broodings said...

I'd like to think that I'm a kind-hearted fella. But when one plays politics, one has to develop a mean streak. That's the only way to survive in the political realm. I'm not yet ready to sell my soul.--Jim