Sunday, February 7, 2010

Maybe for a staging of Macbeth.

I wouldn't underestimate Sarah Palin. I think she's shallow. And dumb. But dangerous. In that she appeals to shallow and dumb people. And we have plenty of 'em in the USA. Also, we have a media that's shallow and dumb. Such as Fox News. Which attracts hordes of shallow and dumb viewers. Add it all up, and we have the makings of a disaster. Maybe even equivalent to a Nazi Germany. Yes, strange things happen. Even in countries that pride themselves in sensibility and learning. Sometimes, economic and social conditions drive the best of nations over the edge. Hitler was a phenomenon. So could be Sarah Palin. Oh, I'm not saying that Sarah would take the same course as a Hitler. But rather another insane path. There were plenty of sheep that followed Hitler. And already I see vast numbers of sheep following Palin. Enough to make it scary. And it could be scarier by the time the 2012 presidential election rolls around. It's even possible that the Democrats could lose their majority in Congress yet this year. The stage is being set. Maybe for a staging of Macbeth. --Jim Broede

1 comment:

Broede's Broodings said...

Power corrupts. And absolute power corrupts absolutely. Believe it. Our top politicians have an insatiable lust for power. That drives them to commit the most atrocious crimes. Manipulating people. For selfish gain. --Jim