Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Single moments. Forever.

I had a dream tonight. That life is a single moment of consciousness. That's all it is. A single moment of consciousness. A lot is packed into the moment. Actually, one's lifetime. A single moment. Seems like it's a moment crammed full. But it's no more and no less than a moment of consciousness. And then it all goes into a huge pool. A calderon. And maybe my particuar moment spews out. A wisp. And becomes conscious once again. And makes me wonder. When that moment comes again, will everything be the same? Or will my moment be quite different? Will I be allowed to make different decisions? I suspect all this is my eternity. Single moments. Forever. --Jim Broede

1 comment:

Broede's Broodings said...

I'd love to live my life over. And make different decisions. Just to see the outcomes. Maybe we are given that privilege. It would be a great learning experience. --Jim