Monday, March 15, 2010

America at a pivotal turning point.

Sure, the health care reform legislation in Congress could be better. A whole lot better. But it's better than the status quo. Better than what we have now. So pass it. And build on it. It's a step in the right direction. And a rebuff to the Republicans and to their greedy capitalist allies. They are spending millions of dollars to try to defeat the bill. With outright lies. Distortions of the truth. But now Obama and Democrats have to unite. Stand firm and pass the historic legislation. And we'll look back someday at this moment. As a pivotal turning point. When America finally started to get things right. --Jim Broede


Maebee said...

No, it will not be better than what we have now. Right now, ANYONE(any citizen, any legal resident, ANY illegal alien, prisoner, detainee, or visitor) needing medical care can walk into ANY emergency room, and BT LAW they must be treated, regardless of ability to pay. THAT IS LAW! NO ONE is denied access to adequate health care.

Even if everyone who does not currently have insurance coverage is purchased(by us), it would still not make health care any more available to them, than it already is.

Consider this:
".. health care isn't an "inalienable right" -- it's a basic human necessity, just like food, clothing, and shelter. All of these basic human necessities are bought and sold every day in the free market in the context of the goods and services that they really are...whether it's private charity or a government welfare program that helps people buy something they otherwise couldn't afford but need, that's fine. Just recognize that that's the issue -- not an entitled right, not an access or availability problem, not a lack of insurance policies...if making health care more affordable for everyone is really the goal..then free-market business forces and scientific and technological advances, along with increased competition -- not intrusive government forces -- are the answers."

AND this: the price tag for providing 30 million insurance policies=$150 billion, yet the cost of Obamacare is in the trillions. Taxes to fund this begin this year, yet benefits do not start until 2014.

Bottom line: forcibly using one person, to serve the needs of another amounts to no less than slavery. Obamacare is simply one stop on the train wreck to communism.

Broede's Broodings said...

If you think Obamacare is putting us on the road to communism, Maebee, then that helps convince me that Obamacare is good. Because I'm of the notion that you don't know what you are talking about. I generally find that things that you oppose, I usually support. And things that you support, I oppose. I wonder if that's coincidence. Or the fact that we are living in two different worlds. --Jim

Maebee said...

I live in the REAL world. I do not wear rose-colored glasses, as you seem. It must be comforting for you, but not really acceptable for me. I truly do not think you could handle the realities of ....well...of REALITY! I'm not saying that is bad. You are alone. You have little responsibility. Fine, just not for me. I have a Family to consider. I actively participate in the Democratic process. I AM involved, and in order to do that, I need to inform myself. So I do.

It is perfectly understandable, Where you are coming from, is perfectly understandable. Again, you do not address the issues.

Broede's Broodings said...

I don't wear glasses, Maebee. But things still look rosey. Even without glasses. Maybe you are colorblind. The real world is quite rosey, you know. Get your eyes checked. --Jim

Broede's Broodings said...

I'm addressing issues all the time, Maebee. It's just that you don't always recognize an issue when you see one. I still suspect you've been in hibernation. And that you aren't fully awake yet. --Jim

Broede's Broodings said...

I think my reality is better than your reality, Maebee. Because my reality is very funny. Indeed, a very enjoyable reality. You sound too worrisome. Believe me, the sky will not fall. Even under Obamacare. It's all gonna work out nicely. Don't fret. Be happy. --Jim