Sunday, March 14, 2010

From villain to unwitting hero.

Hey, thank gawd for villains. Such as Anthem Blue Cross. The private company selling health care insurance. Earlier this year, when health care reform appeared almost dead in Washington, Anthem announced double-diget rate increases for many of its 800,000 individual policyholders. All the way up to 39 percent. That was enough to trigger a surge of public support for reform. And public hostility continues to build toward greedy insurers and their record-high profits. The prospects look good for significant reform passing later this month. And a thank you for that should go to Anthem Blue Cross. For showing us the crassness of the insurance industry. In a sense, dear Anthem, you've become a hero instead of a villain. By unwittingly saving health care reform. By showing us that you can't be trusted. That you need to be regulated. --Jim Broede


Maebee said...

All the government has to do, is remove the Blue Cross's non-profit status. No need for all the expensive "try this" and "try that". Where is the common sense??

Broede's Broodings said...

My question, Maebee, is where have you been? Haven't heard a peep from you for a long time. I suppose that in Michigan you hibernate. In caves. Just like the bears. This must be a sign of spring. The return of Maebee. Welcome back to civilization. But you sound like you aren't yet fully awake. --Jim

Maebee said...

Wouldn't dream of hibernating during a winter in Michigan. Just haven't had time for chit chat. Much to do here.