Sunday, March 14, 2010

I treat myself to a pleasant dream.

I have so many things on my mind. So many, that's it's almost impossible to keep track of 'em all. During a normal course of a day, I flit from one thought to another. At times, I stay on one thought for a prolonged period. I'm more or less consumed by it. Usually, in a pleasant way. Such as a love thought. Many thoughts I put in writing. Because that way, they're easily retrieved. If I didn't do that, it's possible that some thoughts would be gone forever. Often, I remind myself that I'm an alive and conscious being. Not a robot. I like to dwell on the thought that I'm alive. That I'm real. That I'm in love. Yes, I keep reminding myself. Because I don't want to forget. But there are times when I'm not all that conscious. I'm just going through the motions. But I inevitably catch myself. And I become fully conscious again. I like to relax my mind. Give it time off. When I'm falling asleep, I tell myself, relax. Go into unconsciousness. Or treat yourself to a pleasant dream. --Jim Broede

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