Saturday, March 20, 2010

Let this be a warning.

I never cease to be amazed by the number of people duped by the Republicans. Many Americans will believe almost anything. The most preposterous things. That’s what got us into war. The bold-faced lie that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. And then the war was put on credit cards. For future generations to pay. And just as we went to war, the Republicans voted huge tax cuts for the rich. That helped to drive us into the biggest deficit in the nation’s history. And to think, when George Bush was elected president, we had a budget surplus. Now the Republicans are telling us that the Democrats’ proposal for health care reform will be a disaster. Armageddon. As if Republicans know. The thing is, every time Republicans have predicted success in the past 10 years, it’s been failure. And now to hear Republicans predict a Democrat failure – well, that means we may be about to succeed. Because Republicans are always wrong. Yes, don’t believe ‘em. Don’t be duped again and again. The Republicans are blaming Democrats for our financial crisis. When it’s really Democrats trying to fix the horrid Republican-induced mess. Incredible. The Republicans have the audacity to try to lie their way back to power. So they can finish the job of screwing things up and destroying the USA once and for all. The big question is, will we allow 'em to do it? –Jim Broede

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