Friday, March 12, 2010

Maybe I'm brainwashed, too.

I sense where I get a good sense of the world. Over what's really happening. In a reasonably objective way. That's why I subscribe to the New York Times. I get the printed version weekdays. And I also plug into the cybercopy. Online. Oh, I go elsewhere for information. Just to see other slants. But for the most part, I trust the New York Times. I made my living in the newspaper business. Writing for newspapers. Ever since I was a kid. I retired in 1998. After writing thousands of articles. Stories. Breaking news. Features. You name it. Some were good. Others were crap. I know the difference. Believe me. There's lots of crap out there. But some very good stuff, too. If you know where to find it. Unfortunately, lots of people like crap. They often believe it. They become brainwashed. Maybe I'm brainwashed, too. By the New York Times. --Jim Broede

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