Thursday, March 4, 2010

There's no incentive.

I watched C-Span this morning. A senator. From Wyoming. He's also an orthopedic surgeon. And he's a Republican. With the usual GOP spiel about the evil's of Obama-care. How bad it is. Poor guy. I'm sure he's rich. Monetarily. And he wants to be richer. He'll never have enough money. He's afraid that doctors won't be adequately reimbursed. Yes, health care is a business. A way to make money. Lots of it. Otherwise, it isn't worth going into. Doctors don't make enough money under socialized medicine, he says. There's no economic incentive in merely serving the common good. --Jim Broede

1 comment:

Broede's Broodings said...

We're motivated by money, power and celebrity. Yes, love of money, power and celebrity. Rather than by pure love of other human beings. We don't serve the common good. But rather what we think is our own personal good. When it comes down to the basics, we are selfish beings. --Jim